373 Sprint 1
373 Sprint 1 Progress
For the first sprint, with my team we went over reference images mostly for Mario Odyssey. The overall theme of the game scene is high contrast and very vibrant textures and colors for the players to pick up on. The reference images from playing the game gives every angle we can think of for the game scene we are trying to portray. For example, the main buildings seem to be modular and the textures look to display the same result but with just different colors.
Programming for the Project
I will take over main programming assignments for the project along with 3D asset creation. Right now, we do have coin collection as something we need for the final game scene and are progressing as we go in this sprint for what other actions are wanted and need to be coded. Some of these features include a possible increased jump from the umbrella assets and a fireball that will destroy/alter other models or game objects in the scene.
Here is a very basic script that will be attached to the player gameobject where colliding with a gameobject with the tag "Coin" will set the object to false and add one to the coin count which will be represented by a canvas in later sprints.
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