Sprint 3 Blog


For this sprint, I was able to complete progress for the inventory system, do UI implementation for the alloys page, and create a button that players can click to fill out the feedback form.

Inventory System

For now, the inventory system displays the different raw materials in the alloys page. An inventory counter has also been added to give the player a visual feedback of how many inventory items they have. 

The sprites are placeholder as of now until I figure out a way to drag and drop 3D game objects onto different slots in a 2D canvas. The main issue from completing this task is learning how to move 3D objects on a 2D plane which is essentially what the canvas is. I have learned how to display 3D models onto the canvas but the items do not respond to the Unity EventSystem which enables functions of clicking, dragging, and dropping in the context of my code. The code is using a 2D sprite as a reference to pick up and drag the item and changing all the references to a game object variable hasn't worked so I will need to do further research on how I can change my code so that it'll support 3D game object dragging and dropping.

I have also talked to team members responsible for the 2D assets to rescale the menu UI down so the resolution is better for our canvas dimensions. After a discussion, we agreed on what sizes would work optimally for each sprite. The menu UI still needs more stylizing and other menu UI sprites but it is an improvement from the last sprint.

This is what it appears as before the scene loads. On the Awake function call, the other item slots instantiate with the other items. I need to do more research as to if there is a cleaner way to do this so that the item slots are present even if there is no items available. The gray boxes are placeholder sprites for the alloy crafting system that still needs more work to have an output item display and be added to the players inventory.


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