373 Sprint 3


For this sprint, I spent more time in Unity. My goal was to work on the cloth physics for the the blankets and cloth that would be around our scene. I researched some different ways to do this and I came upon an out-of-the-box unity component simply named 'cloth'. Luckily there was documentation and a few videos that covered the component.

Above is a reference image of the blankets used in the Mario Odyssey game. What I did to resemble this effect in Unity was make plane that would have the cloth component attached to it. Figuring out the best way to make this effect took some trial and error. At first I made a thin cube that had the shape of a blanket but the two sides had a strange cloth physics animation. Ultimately the best result came from using a plane.

I was also able to use this effect for cable lines. In the scene there are cable lines and if I selected the end points of a basic cylinder, the rest of the cylinder would have the cloth physics attached to it but the ends would stay in place. Another thing implemented was the outside force added to the game objects in one of the three vectors. This was used to make the objects move like there was wind being added to the scene.


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