3d Game Level 1 v2 Feedback


What went right was that the level loaded and the play testers were able to play the level smoothly. What also worked out better was that the new starting point led players to learn the jumping mechanic in a safe environment. The first jumps were on elevated platforms but the player had no risk of damage or dying if they missed a jump. If they missed they could easily go back to where they started and start the jumps again. Also, in the second jump, it was still in a safe environment but the difficulty was higher since the platform was moving. Again, no penalty for missing the jump as there was stairs to go back up if they missed the platform.

What went wrong was that I didn't add as much new elements as I wanted. Essentially, I added the new starting room with the two jumps and it led to the existing room that was there during version 1. The transition works since it goes from no risk jumps to risk jumps since the second room has platforms surrounded by acid. This is fine, however I could have added more combat so that the player didn't feel that they were jumping the whole level.

I will definitely have to add more combat and enemies next time so that the player gets a good balance between learning the jumping and attacking mechanic since those two are essentially the main movements that a player can do. 

The challenges were appropriate since the level was designed to be mostly player friendly and be easy. Not too much great challenge was presented and the level served more of a learning level or tutorial.

The critical path was obvious since the rooms were narrow and pointed in one direction. The jump from the first to second room needs to be better so that the player doesn't feel that they are jumping to their death or feel unsure about making the jump or not.


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