Sprint 2 Blog


For this sprint, I mainly focused on the tab system for the menu UI and linking the corresponding pages. I also worked on the drag-and-drop system for the inventory which is still a work in progress. This includes being able to pick up items with a left mouse click and dragging them across the screen and putting them in the correct item slots.

Here is a demo of the current drag-and-drop cursor system. It is basic right now since the focus is functionality and not aesthetics. With the use of the canvas in the hierarchy to display all the images and adding scripts to the menu tabs, it will be simple to add the graphics made by other team members to the corresponding tabs. For example, there is an option to add a different sprite for when the player hovers each tab and when they are selected. This may be a small implementation but it gives the player some feedback on where they are at in the menu that will give them a better experience playing the game.


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